Monday 18 November 2013


Currently, there's something that keep fussing inside me. I can simply said that all forthcoming affair are depending on how we act today. Serious! Even for a trivial thing, it costs us for whole life. Same goes to me, I'm having an arduous circumstance to decide either wanna to be selfish or let my feet on the ground, start sketching for world. This is not an easy-peasy matter. For me, in such condition I should heed some more considerable consequences that will affect me in any rate. Yes, people can come out with their own point of view but somehow they didn't go through the same path as mine yet they may either don't know what exactly the meaning of being relieved to be able be who I'm now. Even so, I'll never deny that it's crucial to lead people as caliph. You or me ought to accomplish this role, just for me the prestige/position is not my intention, but a big iman come with an istiqamah deeds and befitting Islamic manner is.

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